课程题目:Finiteelement modeling of weld heat transfer and weld residual stress; Modeling of molten pool and discreteelement simulation 授课专家:张伟 ![0011.jpg](/images/attachment201662414667564676766600.jpg)
时间:2016年6月20日-2016年6月23日 讲课与报告:9:00-11:30上机训练与答疑:13:30-18:00 地点:基础楼301室 人数:100人 专家简介: Dr. Wei Zhang, Ph.D. in Materials Scienceand Engineering of Pennsylvania State University, is currently a tenuredAssociate Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering -Welding Engineering Program in The Ohio State University.Prior to coming to OSU in January 2013, heworked as a Senior Researcher at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory from2008-2012 and as an Engineer Team Leader at the Edison Welding Institute from2004-2008.His research at OSU isfocused on multi-physics modeling of welding and additive manufacturingprocessing, material constitutive behavior under extreme conditions, andneutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction. 课程内容简介: These lectures are mainly about computeraided engineering in welding process and its application in recent researchactivities in Welding Engineering Program at the Ohio State University (OSU).Methods and knowledge of modeling and simulations on welding heat transfer,dynamic weld pool behavior andresidual stress in welding processes will be taught in these classes, such as ComputationalFluid Dynamics, discrete element simulation and finite element method. Inaddition, more other welding researches in the OSU will be introduced. They aremainly about the weld-ability of advanced structural materials such asnickel-base super-alloys, titanium alloys, and aluminum alloys.